Have mercy on me, God, in your goodness; in your abundant compassion blot out my offense. Wash away all my guilt; from my sin cleanse me. (Psalm 51: 3-4)
The Sacrament of Penance, more commonly known as Confession, is a definitive encounter with the merciful Christ. Penance reconciles the sinner with God and the community of faith. Penance washes away the guilt of sin, restores sanctifying grace, strengthens the recipient to resist temptation and reestablishes the penitent on the road to salvation.
The Sacrament of Penance is available Saturday afternoons from 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM or by appointment.
Additional times are made available during the weeks leading up to Christmas and Easter. The faithful are encouraged to make this sacrament a regular part of their spiritual life.
Children make their First Reconciliation prior to receiving their first Holy Communion. Children are prepared for these sacraments in the 2nd grade through the Religious Education Program.