We are excited about the new Religious Education school year at St. Bonaventure Parish! We have kept what works in a program that has been updated and yet, manages to be what we have always known and promoted; a community that teaches and lives the Word of Christ. We are offering two school year programs that will look rather familiar; classes in the parish center, as well as a homeschool option. Due to demand, we have also increased our classes for Pre K students that, due to the generosity of our parishioners, continues to be free. Any of these models will meet your needs regardless of where your family is at with today’s demands. There are no wrong or right decisions, just those that work for your family and we are here to support your decision. All options are explained below.
1. In class ~ 2x's/month for 1.5 hours
a. Classes will be held on Sun. & Tues. Start date is Sunday 9/8/24 and continues until Tuesday 4/8/25
(please see calendar for specific dates for your time slot)
b. Curriculum will include the following…
i. PreK = Catholic ABC’s curriculum (Sun = biweekly, Tues & Wed = meets weekly)
ii. Gr 1–Gr 8 www.CatholicBrain.com (Adventure Catechism & Pillars of Faith series)
iii. Confirmation & Gr. 6,7,8 = Bishop Barron Word on Fire
iv. Confirmation = Dynamic Catholic, Decision Point
v. ALL GRADES - online seasonal programs through www.HolyHeroes.com Sign up now and the programs will be sent to your email at the appropriate season. (Advent Adventure, Lenten Adventure & Spiritual Adoption)
2. Weekly Mass attendance
a. Mass Quiz for sacramental years, homeschool and summer programs
3. Liturgically themed Religious Education Catholic Community Craft (see note below)
1. Currently, only grades 1-8 with the exception of sacramental studies (First Communion and Confirmation, regardless of grade) are completed at home. Please contact Sheilah at [email protected] or 508-224-3636 or further information
a. Grade 1 – Gr. 8 www.CatholicBrain.com
b. ALL GRADES - online seasonal programs through www.HolyHeroes.com (Advent Adventure, Lenten Adventure, & Spiritual Adoption)
2. Weekly Mass attendance
3. Liturgically themed Religious Education Catholic Community Craft are held each month in the Church Hall after the 8:00 & 10:00 AM Masses. All are invited to participate with us even if you are not in the religious education program! These projects are for all ages and abilities. Signups are for approximate numbers and ensures there are enough materials for everyone who wishes to participate. QR codes will be in the bulletin 3 weeks prior to the event. I addition, SignUpGenius links will be sent to families via REMIND and will be published on Facebook and Twitter. Please sign up for only 1 time slot per month.